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Wings of the North - Pancake breakfast May 18, 2013.

Our friends from "The Wings of the North" had a fantastic pancake breakfast we just could not pass!!. Although the rain was at full force and it was a bit cold, the company of friends and fellow pilots made the time so worth it!.

Turtles May 11th 2013.

I guess I spoke too early! yet we had a good number... 7 souls were seen exchanging stories and bad jokes with each other.
Breakfast was good as always, the company was even better!...

Turtles May 4th 2013.

Our first "Official Gathering" was a success... With 13 souls sharing a piece of their Saturday with us. Even Ben and Carter showed up!

We hope this initial number is the lowest we ever get!... For those who were not able to join us this time, we hope to see you in our next gathering!